Ways To Confidently Recover Your Stolen Identity

Stolen identity

Your identity is open on a social media platform and is prone to a great level of misuse. Stolen identity fraud leaves an individual vulnerable, violates his/her basic rights, and requires a good amount of time to get it fixed. Beginning the recovery process sooner is the best way to recover from it the fastest. If you are wondering how to get your stolen identity back, here is how we have clubbed the entire process.

Get in Touch with Authorities

Any identity thefts must be directly taken into the attention of the cyber department of your state or nation. They know how to recover your stolen identity. They are very easy to file a complaint with, and you can also visit the government’s site to report the same. There are many benefits to this complaint. They firstly will give you a recovery plan against your stolen identity fraud. Then, they will help you acquire a copy of your report and you can easily use this while you are speaking to or seeking help from law enforcement or credit bureaus. The proof of your identity theft is big proof in itself.

Check Credit Reports

Stolen identity checks can easily be spotted once you follow your credit reports. Once having held to your report, make sure you check every account and scrutinize them. You need to make sure that every account listed there are used by you. Check for anything suspicious. Also, mind your credit score. If the score has gone down considerably, then it is time you need to find out why. This might be an explanation for uncountable spending from your account. Using free credit card reporting sites can help you check your report without damaging the scores.

Check Your Accounts

The balances in your bank and the credit card accounts can tell a lot about your thefts. Scrutinizing the past purchases will let you know if your account is depleted. Any purchases unexplained will let you know about the mishap. You need to let the financial institutions know about the same and they will take the necessary steps to block your accounts.

Freeze Accounts

Unauthorized charges on any account must be frozen instantly to prevent further threats. This is a great method of how to fix a stolen identity. Freezing accounts might be inconvenient hence your financial institutions might advise you to follow another alternative yet easy steps. You can also apply for fraud alerts that might last for a year or you can customize plans.

Police Complaints

Once experiencing theft of identity, you must rush to the police because they are the first ones who are going to locate the perpetrator. This also helps a lot if your identity is stolen from some documentation or your wallet.

Get New Documents

In case your documents get stolen, it is wise to apply for another set of the same. This might include the driver’s license, passport, social security card, or others. An identification document getting stolen needs an immediate replacement application without considerable delay. But before all of these, make sure you have your complaint report with you while you apply for the same.

Reset Passwords

Anytime you realize your identity is compromised, do not delay a bit and replace your passwords with newer and stronger ones, as soon as possible. Not just the bank and the credit card passwords but also changing the social media and the email accounts will be wise at this stage. It is an important step to further prevent thefts. Regularly check your reports and accounts hereafter.

Dispute Activities

This is a step you need to take care of from your end. Any unauthorized activity must be kept in notice despite following the previous steps. Frauds happening once might happen again and any unaccounted transactions must be again brought to the notice of the authorities.


You can also resort to certain professionals to take care of the fraud that happened. They will take charge from then on and will make sure every action is taken to prevent it further.

You can always check into how the identity was leaked and develop a secured backup plan yourself and take action from thereon. It might be very difficult to eradicate this risk, but basic attention from your end will help you ultimately.

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